Open Source Shakespeare

Speeches (Lines) for Sir James Tyrrel
in "Richard III"

Total: 10

# Act, Scene, Line
(Click to see in context)
Speech text



Richard III (Duke of Gloucester). Rumour it abroad
That Anne, my wife, is sick and like to die:
I will take order for her keeping close.
Inquire me out some mean-born gentleman,
Whom I will marry straight to Clarence' daughter:
The boy is foolish, and I fear not him.
Look, how thou dream'st! I say again, give out
That Anne my wife is sick and like to die:
About it; for it stands me much upon,
To stop all hopes whose growth may damage me.
I must be married to my brother's daughter,
Or else my kingdom stands on brittle glass.
Murder her brothers, and then marry her!
Uncertain way of gain! But I am in
So far in blood that sin will pluck on sin:
Tear-falling pity dwells not in this eye.
[Re-enter Page, with TYRREL]
Is thy name Tyrrel?

Sir James Tyrrel. James Tyrrel, and your most obedient subject.



Richard III (Duke of Gloucester). Art thou, indeed?

Sir James Tyrrel. Prove me, my gracious sovereign.



Richard III (Duke of Gloucester). Darest thou resolve to kill a friend of mine?

Sir James Tyrrel. Ay, my lord;
But I had rather kill two enemies.



Richard III (Duke of Gloucester). Why, there thou hast it: two deep enemies,
Foes to my rest and my sweet sleep's disturbers
Are they that I would have thee deal upon:
Tyrrel, I mean those bastards in the Tower.

Sir James Tyrrel. Let me have open means to come to them,
And soon I'll rid you from the fear of them.



Richard III (Duke of Gloucester). Thou sing'st sweet music. Hark, come hither, Tyrrel
Go, by this token: rise, and lend thine ear:
There is no more but so: say it is done,
And I will love thee, and prefer thee too.

Sir James Tyrrel. 'Tis done, my gracious lord.



Richard III (Duke of Gloucester). Shall we hear from thee, Tyrrel, ere we sleep?

Sir James Tyrrel. Ye shall, my Lord.



(stage directions). [Enter TYRREL]

Sir James Tyrrel. The tyrannous and bloody deed is done.
The most arch of piteous massacre
That ever yet this land was guilty of.
Dighton and Forrest, whom I did suborn
To do this ruthless piece of butchery,
Although they were flesh'd villains, bloody dogs,
Melting with tenderness and kind compassion
Wept like two children in their deaths' sad stories.
'Lo, thus' quoth Dighton, 'lay those tender babes:'
'Thus, thus,' quoth Forrest, 'girdling one another
Within their innocent alabaster arms:
Their lips were four red roses on a stalk,
Which in their summer beauty kiss'd each other.
A book of prayers on their pillow lay;
Which once,' quoth Forrest, 'almost changed my mind;
But O! the devil'—there the villain stopp'd
Whilst Dighton thus told on: 'We smothered
The most replenished sweet work of nature,
That from the prime creation e'er she framed.'
Thus both are gone with conscience and remorse;
They could not speak; and so I left them both,
To bring this tidings to the bloody king.
And here he comes.
All hail, my sovereign liege!



Richard III (Duke of Gloucester). Kind Tyrrel, am I happy in thy news?

Sir James Tyrrel. If to have done the thing you gave in charge
Beget your happiness, be happy then,
For it is done, my lord.



Richard III (Duke of Gloucester). But didst thou see them dead?

Sir James Tyrrel. I did, my lord.



Richard III (Duke of Gloucester). And buried, gentle Tyrrel?

Sir James Tyrrel. The chaplain of the Tower hath buried them;
But how or in what place I do not know.